B2B marketers must now reach entire teams for sales success
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According to a recent Forrester Research study, more than half of B2B marketers said that reaching decision makers is one of their top five issues. They also admit that time and money is wasted on tactics that fail to catch buyer interest.

Business 2 Community explains marketers must realize that most B2B buying decisions today involve more than one person – especially when significant purchases are on the table.

Consensus buying has become more common in the B2B purchasing process. The news source cites research from the Sales Executive Council of the Corporate Executive Board, which found that when buyers are evaluating purchases, widespread support from their organization is the "single most important" criteria for decision making.

If the buyer has strong backing from his or her team, the person is more likely to make a purchase.

"Consensus buying has now become the norm because leaders recognize that stakeholder buy-in is needed for the successful implementation of any new solution," the media outlet explains.

Marketers must now be prepared for a variety of questions beyond that of the buyer, since the entire team will also have a say in the final outcome.

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